

Saudi Achievements in 2022

What countries of the world do every year by establishing strategic and development plans and thus achieving them are successful for them. Once they mention the fastest countries in progress and growth, we will find the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia among the first among them. It has become the focus of the world's attention in global and local events and historical achievements, all of which come within the realization of Vision 2030.

The video reviews our days in 2022 at random and delivers several national messages s original identity, issued by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Abdulaziz, which stipulates that the 22nd of February each year is the first anniversary of the founding of Saudi Arabia, It shows the features and celebrations of citizens so that the video points out that the world looked at us, The return of Saudi-Thai relations, the visit of President Biden and President Erdogan of Turkey And the Saudi-Chinese summit meeting, all in Saudi territory, as Prince Khaled al-Faisal spoke about the success of the 1443H pilgrimage season to move the video to the achievements of Saudi youth locally and globally in tournaments, Triumphs, prizes from sport to science, and Kingdom's jump in travel and tourism index and the launch of The Line, Sandallah, Trojina and Oxagon, and the video concludes with the most prominent images taken of the Kingdom.

2022 has witnessed many scenes and moments that have made us proud of the country's leadership and people. It was the year when the country reached full recovery since the onset of the global pandemic. In this video, which promotes patriotism and the extent of achievement achieved in 365 days, we recall every new moment, joy and dear to us, immortalized by history and written that this year was full of memories to tell to future generations, in which we proudly say that these events... We did it.