

Announcement of the prospectus for the offering of 20% of the capital of WSM in “Nomu”

WSM Business for Information Technology announced today, Sunday, the issuance of a prospectus for offering 390,000 of its shares in the parallel market 'Nomu', representing 20% of the company's capital.

The company clarified in the prospectus published on the website of the Capital Market Authority that the offering period will be from Thursday, January 25, 2024, to February 1, 2024.

The offering is limited to qualified investor categories according to the definition of a qualified investor, as per the requirements of the securities offering rules and investor obligations.

The Saudi Capital Market Authority had issued its approval for this offering on September 25 last year.

The actual current activity of WSM Business for Information Technology, established in 2014, is to provide integrated digital solutions, offering digital solutions and services for a number of fields through diverse business models.

WSM Business announced the appointment of 'Kasb Financial' as a financial advisor for the process of listing the company's shares in the parallel market 'Nomu'. This step comes as part of the company's strategy to expand its business scope and enhance its position in the financial market.
